Are you thinking to set up a Post-Purchase email automation for your eCommerce store?
Or already have one but it does not bring any results?
In any case, you should read further because this short article will reveal the three main parts of a successful PP email flow that can add some extra-s increase to your revenue.
The most common questions that I get from my clients about this sequence are „Why should I engage more with people who already purchased from me?” or „Is this not spamming them?”
No, if you do it correctly it won’t feel as spam!
And the reason why you should send a well set up email flow to people who are already your customers because regularly, 3-6% (in some cases it can go up till 10%) of them, will repurchase again during a PP sequence.
The Timing of a Post-Purchase flow
It should start sending immediately after somebody buys from your store and it can continue for weeks. Depends on your circumstances…
But after 14 days, people are usually burning out so your manual emails should take over by that time.
Thanks & Welcome 
This email is your first in line and it should be send immediately after the purchase event triggers the flow.
The aim of this letter is to give a comfortable feeling to your customers and meet their expectations. And also to introduce yourself, like why did you started this business, what’s your goal with it, etc.
It should include:
– thanks for buying
– when the product will be shipped
– what to expect
– if you have an Introduction Video you can use it here
Pre-Arrival Emails
These emails should be send before the product arrives to its buyer. You can send 2 to 4 of these depending on how fast your shipping is.
With these emails, you can build excitement toward your product and reduce buyers remorse and refund rates.
Some ideas about the content here:
– open the box videos
– images about previous buyers using your product (social proof)
– personal and market relevance stories
– FAQ about your products and brand email
This is where you can earn the big money!
However, as I experienced, almost from every email in a PP sequence, even if it’s not directly focused on sales, there is revenue coming in.
These emails should be send after your product arrived to your customer.
With the Cross-Selling emails, you can increase your customer lifetime value and earn some extra dollars really fast from people who already trusted your business.
In most cases, we are speaking about 3-6 emails here.
How you should do this:
– try to sell your 2nd most popular item
– send some pre-sell engagement emails with some interesting content connecting to this product
– build anticipation for this product by announcing that you going to have a promotion soon
– when you send your promotion use a special, inclusive discount and a time constraint on it
– later you can also send last chance emails for this discount
It was a brief summary on the basics about how you should approach a Post-Purchase email sequence.
There are a lot of other things that you can do here like asking for photos where customers are using your products or review videos so later you can use them as social proof for example.
But these were the main pillars and if your flow is not missing them you are on the right track to crush it with your email marketing!
Read more about why email automations are really important for your business here!