An Easy Way To Avoid Spam And Promotional Folders ๐Ÿ›‘

An Easy Way To Avoid Spam And Promotional Folders
Michael S


I want to give a short review on how to improve your email deliverability rates really fast. ๐Ÿ“ˆ

I know, from experience, that landing in the spam folder is a big headache for a lot of eComm stores and other online businesses who are using email marketing regularly.

ISP filters scan every aspect of your email to detect spam-like content, including header, subject line, content or images. They check where your emails are coming from and your previous email history as well. ๐Ÿ“ง

They are sooo annoying I know… ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

So itโ€™s crucial to make sure that your email content wonโ€™t be flagged as a potential spam because one spammy mail can danger all your future campaigns.

But I have good news too!

There is a solution to figure out that your emails would go to spam folder or to inbox.

And no, itโ€™s not fortunetelling… ๐Ÿ”ฎ

I personally use Glock Apps to test almost every email that I send out for my clientโ€™s campaigns.
โ€จ(I am not in any affiliate relationship with the company.)

You possibly heard about similar tools like Litmus or Mail Tester which are also really good but Glock Apps uses a different method to test your emails.

To generate a report they are basically resending your email using their own accounts. This way you can compare inbox delivery rates and see how the email content and IP reputation affect deliverability.ย ๐Ÿ“Š

While other deliverability tools most of the time just giving you a probability about how likely your email will reach Inbox.

With Glock Apps, a little bit like sending your emails to a small test list of addresses to see how many times you reach inbox, tabs or spam.

If the test shows that you will reach spam or promotional folders, you got suggestions from the software about what you should change and how can you reach the desired Inbox.

I hope you found this article useful and the good habit of testing your emails will stick to you! โœ…

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