3 Proven Tricks To Be More Persuasive In Your Sales Email Copies 🔥🔥

3 proven tricks to be more persuasive in your sales email copies
Michael S


If you have an eCommerce store and you are doing email marketing

(if you are not doing then you are leaving a 10 to 30% extra revenue on the table but that’s another story for another time)

here are three useful tips to improve your CTOR! Imagine that you have a well-segmented email list and a relevant offer to your audience. Actually, I hope that’s not just an imagination for you… 🤔

Even in this case, only 1 or maybe 2 out of 10 subscribers will click in your emails from the people who opened it at all.

And if you are just sending emails out of the blue that number will just decreasing… 📉

Don’t take it wrong, I am not blaming you I know it’s not easy!

We are talking about sales emails where you need to be short and straight to the point. You don’t have a lot of space to generate emotions and storytelling.

You need to be very convincing within a few sentences!

But there are a lot of questions in everybody’s mind when it comes to writing sales emails: 📧

– Which words should I use?
– How should I frame my offer?
– Or how do I sell without being too pushy?

In this case, as most of the time actually, the answer is psychology! 👩‍🏫

There are several ways to be more persuasive by playing with the words and manipulate the readers unconsciously.

Now, I am going to share 3 of them with you guys, that you can start to use immediately to get better results!

1️⃣ Use positive frames instead of negative

Describe every information in positive framing. Negative framing express and pointing to some absence, to something that is not or won’t be happening. Positive framing, on the other hand, describes something real and concrete. 

We need more mental resources to process negative frames so they reduce understanding and weaken the impact of your message!

Here are some examples:

❌ Don’t miss it
✅ Use this opportunity

❌ Don’t use negative framing
✅ Use positive framing

2️⃣ Use metaphors

Now, try to visualize an abstract feature like Uniqueness or Quality!

It’s pretty hard, isn’t it?

So as for your customers…

You can’t visualize untouchable and not concrete things.
But metaphors can do the work for you. They will provide a realistic mental image to your customers, increasing the impact of your message.

An example:

❌ Our new watch is really punctual

✅ Our new watch is working as an atomic clock

3️⃣ Express percentages in terms of people

I am sure you all provide some numbers and statistics here and there in your emails to make your messages more powerful.

For example something like this: „80% of our customers would recommend this product.”

But the problem with this is pretty similar like the abstract things before. It’s hard to imagine and actually visualize it.

To maximize the impact of your stats you should use a different formula!

Next time say this instead:

„8 out of 10 of our customers would recommend this product.” ✅

I also used this trick at the beginning if you remember. I said that „1 or maybe 2 out of 10 people will click”. This is a much more tangible data, to understand the actual ratio than saying that only 16% (which is the official data by the way) will click.

I hope you can sense the huge impact that these little nuances and changes can make on your customer’s mind!  💲

If you are interested in more you should read our mini series about how to write killer sales email copies. Chapter 1.Chapter 2.Chapter 3. 

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